


Vocation Information: Entrance and Formation

Men who feel they may be called by the Holy Spirit to live this way of life are invited to come and visit the Monastery. We look for men who desire to search for God, to draw ever close to Jesus Christ, and to live in oneness of mind and heart in community with their brothers.

  • Candidates need to have a life of daily prayer
  • To be active in the sacramental life of the Church
  • To be mentally sound
  • To demonstrate stability and responsibility in life
  • They must be faithful to the teaching of the Catholic Church and her Magisterium.
  • We find that good candidates are usually between the ages of 25 and 50.

After a man visits the Monastery several times and, after prayer and discernment, and when both he and the monks feel he may be called to enter the life, an invitation is offered to the man to apply for entrance. The candidate must complete an application form and have both a physical and a psychological evaluation. When he is accepted the candidate becomes a postulant. The postulancy usually lasts 6 months to a year.

After postulancy, he is clothed in the monastic habit, and the one-year novitiate begins. After completion of the canonical year, the novice makes his first profession of vows for one year. The monk may make his solemn profession as an Augustinian Monk of the Primitive Observance after three to six years of vows. As part of the solemn profession, the monk joins with our Holy Father St. Augustine in turning single-heartedly to God:

"You alone do I love, You alone do I follow, You alone do I seek."

"I am prepared to serve only you, because you alone govern justly, and I wish to be under your rule. I ask that only in your great mercy you convert me wholly to yourself and allow nothing to prevent me from coming to you. Grant that while I live, I may be temperate, strong, just, and prudent, in love with your wisdom and capable of understanding, worthy of your blessed kingdom, and one day a dweller in that Kingdom." (St. Augustine)

Augustinian Monks of the Primitive Observance
Mother of the Good Shepherd Monastery
2075 Mercers Fernery
Road DeLand, Florida 32720
United States of America
Phone: (541) 692-8627
E-Mail: monks@osaprim.org